Saturday 1 January 2011

Let me begin with the end of 2010.

A year that was about new ideas and ways of seeing.  I learned to stay still and just observe.  So, what did I see? The research streams pass the books and pass the performances but the context was the important idea.  Living in London is possibly as important to my thought process as reading Berger.  This year I saw places that have put space, time and energy in to real context.  I want to take a moment to reflect upon the places I found this year and why they are important to my development. 

My most favorite place in all of London has to be the Wapping Project because it gives you an understanding of stalled motion.  It is the in between place within breathes.  If you were to elongate that moment this space is a capture.  I find the space allows me to register is intricacies and height.  I inspired to be the energy that makes the machines run again.  But this energy is always hidden in the back.  As you approach a large heavy green metal door you are then transported into a world that is completely inside the head of the presented artist.  There is no detail that is un-thought of and the capacity that it inspires a developing artist like myself to have this thought too.  Completeness.

I remember the first moment I stepped into the crypt at the Linger Whispers Exhibit.  It had this energy that expressed the festivity of death and the Golden Age.  The art create a wind tunnel that sucked you in and though it is a small place you felt hours  pass because of endless wandering in the catacombs of art.  For me this was the most successful exhibit of the year.  A usage of the space that gave relevance to the art within it, which usually is the vice versa in many exhibitions.  I felt the doors had swung open in this crypt and this art was found there.

There is something about summer in London; the temperature is rare and unpredictable.  But when the air is warm and the sun comes out I crave to escape the bustle and find serenity.  The Tow Path is a café coffee shop on the Regents Canal, a place I spent many hours writing my thesis.  But there is something weird when I sit there.  I forget I am in London or in 2010. I had a feeling of time slowing down which is something I feel is a necessity in order to think.  But the contrasts of my life taking on minutes are the bikes speeding by with intent.  The way the Tow Path finds simplicity in its delivery.  Toast comes in a basket accompanied by butter and jams all served on a motley of table furnishings. This gives me a comfort to feel and think. 

Those were just 3 out of many places I found this past year. 

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